Louisville, KY Brick Sealing Contractor

For over 20 years Kentucky Waterproofing has been sealing commercial and residential projects.  We service the entire Louisville, Kentucky Metro Area.  Brick and masonry are porous to water.  When it rains this water can seep into your home and cause damage to the interior drywall and also the structure of the building.  By sealing it the appearance will remain the same but water will stay out.

Kentucky Waterproofing uses brick sealer by Applied Technologies.

Water beading
on sealed brickWater beading
on sealed brick
Brick and Masonry Sealing Advantages

Sealing the brick and masonry of your home or project will give it a long life. The sealers that we use will not alter the appearance of the substrate. After application the sealer will;

  • Prevent efflorescence
  • Reduce moisture penetration
  • Limit mildew growth
  • Protect from de-icing salt attack
  • Reduce spalling

What we Protect

  • Brick
  • Artificial Stone
  • Concrete Block
  • Landscaping Masonry
  • Masonry

Sealing brick on a homeSealing brick on a home
How We Protect Brick and Masonry

Our professional applicators will seal and protect your masonry or brick with a penetrating siloxane. The siloxane bonds chemically to the pores inside and below the surface of brick and masonry substrates. This keeps liquid water from entering into the brick.

Since the siloxane penetrates deeply, UV rays cannot degrade the masonry sealer. The penetrating sealer bond is below the surface so it will have a much longer life expectancy than a surface coating.

Penetrating below the surface also means that high traffic areas like driveways and sidewalks will not lose protection from high use. Surface sealers remain on top of the substrate and are eroded from use. Also the substrate will maintain its natural texture and sheen with a penetrating sealer.

What is Efflorescence

The white, powdery layer that develops on brick and masonry surfaces is called efflorescence. It is caused by water penetrationg the brick during rains. This water disolves natural salts in the brick. When the weather dries out the wate evaporates from the brick. Unfortunately the salts that were disolved in the water get left on the surface of the brick or masonry. When they accumulate they become visible as efflorescence.

Sealing your brick and masonry will eliminate this unsightly residue.